The Student Tutor English Program (STEP) consists of a four-hour tutor training Moodle course, which trains tutors to implement one on one, student-centered communicative lessons.
It also provides the tutors with pedagogically sound, ready-made, five-step grammar, speaking, reading and writing lessons with answer keys to be used with beginner and intermediate level tutees.
In addition, a Teacher’s Guide is included, along with other tutoring resources.
These STEP materials were financed by a grant from the Quebec government.
The goal of the STEP project was to improve the material that was developed for over twenty-five years at Cégep de Lanaudière à L’Assomption (CLA) for the tutoring program.
Origin of STEP
With the financing of Entente Canada-Québec pour l’enseignement dans la langue de la minorité et des langues secondes, we were able to turn our course manual into an online Moodle course, give the tutor training videos a more professional look, create speaking and grammar interactive PDF lessons and turn many tutor and teacher resources into more accessible online material.
The general objective of the STEP project was to make the tutor training materials available to help centres across Cégeps in the province. The scope also extends to other teaching institutions looking for effective ways to train their tutors. We have worked for over two years improving the course materials in hope that well-trained tutors create a ripple effect by helping their tutees succeed in their English as a Second Language courses.
We have been training tutors for 25 years!
ESL TEACHERS: Susan Meier, Hazel Patricia Arroyo Lobo and Edith Lévesque and Melissa Dyotte
Susan was the project leader, author of the tutor training course and co-writer of the lessons. Hazel was writer of the guides, co-writer and editor. Edith created two lessons and revised the interactive PDFs. Melissa was co-author of part 2 of the ECQ project.
MULTIMEDIA TEACHERS: Jean-Luc Trussart, Jonathan Redmond, Christian Héroux and Joan Berthiaume
GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Zoe Lindsay and Raphaël Dalpé
Zoe designed Step by Step logo and the PDF lesson template and Raphaël used it to create the PDFs
ILLUSTRATORS: Justin Desrochers and Caroline Bouchard
Justin created most of the illustrations.
WEB DEVELOPER : Nicolas Villalobos-Lamothe
ACTORS: Salem Cormier, Marytza Lépine, Juliette Marsolais. Charles Moisan and Frédéric Pek
ESSAY: Harantxa-Chelsea Jean